Simple home page from TDR with a animated gif showcasing work. Like the simplicity of the website and think something like this no frills website could work for the Mitternacht one.
TDR original website- really like the techno/futuristic feel that's apparnt through the text layout and title's. This could be adopted through into the Mitternacht website which will be well suited to the design direction.
Consult's website, again simple, clean and no frills ( apart from maybe a light box or loading flash bar) The website needs to hold and present a minimal amount of information but with maximum effect in legibility and site navigation again something i will take into mind when designing the Mitternacht website.
This web site from louche is the kind of thing i want to be aiming for, although this website is more of a blogger, letting people know whats going on and updating let's people feel involved with the event. The Mitternacht website could have something similar or a specific blog that is directed from the website.
Resident adviser is a website letting people know about virtually everything. New mixes every week from featured artist's and information on what's hot event's, artist's, mixes etc. This website hold a lot of information but i thought it would be good to look at the way it worked, looked etc as many of the audience will have used this website.
I have looked at lot of ICFF's work recently as they do a lot of work for European techno and dance music artist's. I also like the minimal clean approach they have used on there website, no fuss and frills much like Mitternacht it's self.
Lastly i decided to look a Jonny Cupckes website. The design direction and look is not something i will be looking at, more on how the website work and how its layed out. Again it seems clean simple website are the wy to go not only for function but also for atheistic look. I will be heading along these lines, Maybe see how minimal i can take reflecting on the no nonsense, no frills it's just a party attitude that is present throughout Mitternacht and its clientele.
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