Monday, 2 November 2009

Tropicana rebrand

I saw this video on ad age's video site on you tube and felt it was a good example of packaging design and how the audience reacted to it.

Tropicana have tried to re- brand there original image of a orange and straw, to a glass of orange juice. I felt that the concept behind the actual design was strong but the finished article was not as strong as the previous one. The change to the packaging was quite dramatic and made the brand of juice look quite cheap much like value or economy brands of orange juice. I think if the final design of the packaging was done in a similar way to before and kept more of a premium look it could of worked.

It's a good example of how re-branding a product that already has such a strong identity is a hard task. I shall use this information to inform my design of re-branding Sainsbury's chili packaging. The task is slightly different as i feel that the packaging for chili's in general is quite weak and does not represent the product very well. It has also made me think about how the final design will be per-trade and if such a dramatic change could affect the sale of the product for the worse rather than the better.

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